Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A bit of my testimony

The Elders in HK asked for a bit of my testimony. Since I couldn't give everything, I thought 2 pages would suffice. Once I wrote it, I decided to share it here, in my chronicles of this stage of my life.


My Childhood and Salvation

I was born into a Christian family, my father (Michael) having been a deacon, elder, pastor and even a priest in the years that I’ve known him; while my mother (Gwen) has faithfully served in a whole heap of ministries, the latest being Alpha, of which she is state advisor in Victoria. I gave my life to Jesus when I was three years old and that act kept me on a straight and narrow path during my childhood and teen years. Oh and I was baptised when I was five in the spa of someone’s house by my dad.

However it was only when I turned 16 and had returned to Australia when I truly accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour, not because of my parents, but on my own accord. That is when my faith truly became my own.

I was at a massive evangelistic youth event held by my church. The speaker was a man named Tom Papania, a former mafia boss who had been radically converted by God’s grace, who now went around the world as an evangelist. I don’t remember much about what he said… to be honest his testimony was a riveting testimony, but it didn’t really apply to me. I just remember at the end he asked everyone to stand. Then he asked those were totally sure of their faith and of their salvation to sit down. I was tempted… but in my heart I felt something urge me to remain standing. I re-dedicated that night.

A few months later I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, and God began to stir my heart for ministry and leadership in the church. However, because I was Chinese, with Chinese parents, I had to finish school first. Strangely it was only after I was filled with the Holy Spirit that I really was able to talk to people. Most people who know me now, having met me after this radical transformation, never believe that part. It’s true none the less.

Past Ministry

I have been involved in a variety of ministries in my life. I developed a love of kids’ church and working with younger kids from very young and that continues to this day. I started doing crèche and sound for church when I was in grade 8, albeit without any formal training.

In 2004 I became a youth small group leader when I graduated from High school, leading a group of 15 young men, all from ages 16-18 for a year and a half while attending Young Adults (18-25). In 2006 I became a YA small group leader when my previous group graduated from High school and moved up.

I also am active in my church’s thriving Kid’s ministry, which sees about 600 children every week. Because I was so heavily involved in Youth and then YA, I chose to stick with a younger group, who are no less important, but require a little less time and brain power when dealing with the children.

I almost burnt myself out during 2005, when attending YA, leading in Youth and leading every week in Kid’s church meant that I would be at church as often as 5 times a week, plus a full time Job (for a 6 months industry work placement). God taught me a valuable lesson in balance during that time, and I decided to step down from Youth Leadership, for a variety of reasons.

I was asked to form a new group when I moved to YA in 2006, and I did so starting with just 4 members, one who was my intern. By God’s grace… and the power of the Holy Spirit, my group grew to about 12 regulars +/- 4 visitors, with 5 of my members eventually becoming interns (future leaders), 2 in other groups. I love my guys and girls heaps and pray that God will bless them with fresh vision and fire as my 3 current interns step up to take over from me.

Future Vision

God has given me two visions for my life. Ones that I have prayed about, thought through and talked about with my leaders and pastors.

The 1st is to be a motivational speaker/preacher who will travel the world talking about a variety of topics. The four biggest that sit on my heart at the moment are:

­ - Strengthening the masculinity and God drive of young men.
­ - Growing and nurturing the self-esteem of young women.
­ - The value and process of Discipling young people.
­ - That God takes ALL things and works them out for your good.

You might notice a bit of a theme in the audience to which my speaking is generally directed. I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve been in generation ministries for so long, or if my passion for these topics has moved me towards these areas. One topic that I’d really love to talk about, but I don’t feel quite qualified yet, is about how fathers in this day and age are increasingly becoming less physically or emotionally present around their children, often leading to problems in the first two areas I mentioned before.

The 2nd of my visions is to plant an orphanage/primary school in China, which will then hopefully become a High School and even a University. God has given me some serious vision for this dream… including a picture of the place, how it’ll all be set up. This is the legacy that I hope to leave.

Anyone who looks at my future vision would immediately see that I’m a bit of a dreamer. However I don’t see that as a problem. Joseph was a dreamer, and while it landed him in some hot water, eventually God used him greatly. I serve a mighty, all powerful God who is far larger then my mind can even conceive. I believe that God has placed a special call on my life, to serve and lead his people wherever I am. I am lead by him, and I seek to follow his Will.

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