Sunday, November 9, 2008

Home... home on the range!!!

Where the wombats and kangeroos play! (Hey that works!) Where often is heard, a motherly word, and the skies are both sunny AND grey!

So yes I'm back home in Melbourne, and life should truly be quite CHILLED OUT! I mean seriously, 2 whole months stretch before me... far as the eye can see of sleeping late, waking up late, catching up with friends... such is the dream!

Actually in reality, I'm probably more tired than I was when I left HK... lol strange huh?

Lots of friends to catch up with, most of whom want to meet up over lunches, which means waking up before 11 or so... the only problem is that I've been sleeping at like 4am cause that's the best period of time for me to write... at night with absolutely no distractions... unlike day time, when there's birds, sunlight, people, phone calls, planning for the next few weeks... *sigh

Anyway my story, already at the 65k word mark, is on its home stretch, possibly going for 75-80k total. I tend to write long epilogues (or at least I might... never had to do one before, this will be the first EVER story that I've finished since my very first one! LOL)

I'm having a bit of a get together, to which all are invited, at my place on the 23rd of Nov, to talk about what I did in HK, what my plans are for the future etc... there is speculation that I'm going to announce my engagement... which is totally false... I don't know who has been spreading this rumor! (Although I do see the irony, that by posting it on my blog, the rumor itself is further propagated... sad isn't it?)

For the rest, I seriously miss my friends, youth and other people (does Dan count as a "friend"?) in HK, but I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, those called according to His plans and purposes... and while I might think that I'd be happiest there, true joy comes from following God, loving Jesus, obeying HIS purpose and direction for my life... and so I willingly, if not always happily, submit to that. (And yes, I constantly have to remind myself of that =D). That said... I would be more than overjoyed if I get called back to HK =D.

1 comment:

Unknown said...