I'm moving out tomorrow, cause it's the last Monday before the end of the month, when I was officially going to turn my contract over to the new tenants. As such my new flatmate's mum is staying with him atm, and will do so until the 4th, which we thought would be fine, he can sleep on the couch for 4 days and his mum can use the bed, and I'll get my room. However the stressing component comes from the new tenants, they want to move in tomorrow NIGHT because they are flying off on Tuesday and want to drop their stuff off... fair enough. However, that, as you can obviously see, puts me in a situation where I have to move ALL my stuff (as opposed to all the non-essential stuff) over tomorrow and potentially be an inconvenience to my new HM (short for house mate). Of course he said that if it came to that, it's all cool... so I'm really stressing over nothing, but I'd rather find a place that I can crash until the 4th and we'd be all cool. *sigh... don't have enough friends here who live by themselves and have space. I mean back home, it'd be easy, crash Al's place :P hahah
Apart from that, my (already rather bad) phone is randomly dying, and I couldn't have my worship ministry meeting today because the youth had to serve lunch to the adults. I also had to cancel a dinner that I was looking forward too and I have to work on my day off tomorrow. *sigh We didn't get to go hiking cause it was canceled, when it didn't have to be, and yeah... all in all, there have been some rather minor disappointments lately.
Of course on the good side,there's been lots of stuff happening. New friends, great dinner and mini beach visit yesterday, moving house, good reading, awesome pictures, the move of God, the small smiles that I get from our youth, which evidences that I'm slowly connecting with them. Here are some of the cool pics I took from one of my friend's places. The view is aweSOME! It looks like some sort of cyber city.
So yeah a lot of stuff is happening, on top of the stuff we're doing in the ministry with the new name change. Oh yeah, so I haven't told that story yet huh? Well DT, my youth pastor, had been looking to change the name of our Sunday School time to something that more completely represents the vision and purpose that we hope to have within our youth group. So we've been thinking up names, but one night I was trying to sleep, and God gave me the verse, "the Joy of the Lord is my strength" and I was moved to start writing. So I started writing on the pad near my bed, and out came this... vision statement... that was fairly long. To cut the long part short, the theme of the statement was that through the filling of the Holy Spirit, and out of that abundance, joy, hope and power would overflow out of us, reaching out to impact those in our sphere's of influence for the Kingdom of God.
So Overflow became our new name. Dan prayed about it, and God led him to a scripture, Romans 15:13 and that's the tag verse for our new name. Pretty cool huh? I even wrote a song about it... which was totally not me... cause the lyrics both reflect the verse AND the vision that God gave me... I'm creative, but not THAT creative... cause if I tried doing that, it wouldn't sound good, yet it matches up lyrically and musically. It's really awesome! Now I'm just praying that the power of the Spirit WOULD really begin to overflow in the hearts and lives of my youth. Pray that they will experience God in a new and really awe inspiring way, and that the Spirit would convict them of a need to surrendered completely to his will.
Anyway it's getting late and I have to start packing. Enjoy the pics and oh, just so you guys know... I might be heading back to Melbourne for a week in April/May. Stay tuned.
I hope you can make it back! =D
those photos are soooo cool!
I know huh? If they weren't so busy, I'd put them as my back ground... but then I wouldn't be able to find my stuff ;) hehe .
:P I hope I can make it back too.
My move went well btw, and the place is pretty awesome, Will post up soon.
It's awesome to see God moving through you, Josh!
God does more through us than we could ever hope or imagine... and we just sit back and go... *wow*
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