1: I realize why marriage is such a good thing.
I mean don't get my wrong, God has gifted some people with celibacy... and there's no need to rush into a marriage... but properly done... marriage is really l33t. I can't really think of another word that adequately describes it. Like the relying on each other, the taking turns... even the money you save on cab fares. It's awesome. That's not to say that I didn't notice it around my parents... I just took it for granted around them :P haha I guess it can operate for anyone who's found the right person and made a commitment to making their marriage work.
2: I appreciate my parents more.
Now most people think... "obviously, cause they looking after you, clean up, pay for stuff etc.." Actually I haven't reached that point yet. I'm still staying with people who, while they don't pay for me, they look after me really well (D&G are awesome) and they have a maid who does the cleaning and I haven't had to do laundry... and I'm not even ALLOWED to wash any dishes (which is weird let me tell you). Nah I just realized that while my parents can be annoying and some times irrational... they aren't actually bad parents. They are, for the most part, understanding and caring... and what bothers me more often then not is simply how MUCH they care (and how little they think I can look after myself). It's not like they would force me to do something I didn't want to... or try to blackmail me or anything... and for that I am most grateful. (Not that anyone's done anything like that here lol)
3: How much I miss my friends
But that much is obvious...
I leave you with a pic of HK island at night.
do ur parents read your blog?
They have the address ... not sure if they read it.
parents are the best!
woohoo! ;)
A Saturday evening and there wasn't an Integr7 to hang out with...
Why are you hours away by plane when...
actually... I'll finish that thought off in an email...
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