Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pictures and places

Well I finally got a camera. A Canon Ixus 75. I could have gotten a nice 860, with wide angle and all that... but it was about 1k more... and I just need something to take photos. So yeah.

Here goes my uploading btw, never done it before. These are the pictures of the place I'm staying at the moment. It's really quite big by HK standards.. but if you want some size comparison, it's about the size of my living room and tile area minus the kitchen. I've included a pic of Dan, but not Geeta (she's not home yet). I'll add some photos of HK (it's a bit late to take photos) and the apartment area tomorrow.

The first two pics are of the living/dining room. The brownish couch is where I was sleeping... but yeah I've moved to a make shift bed on the floor, which isn't out atm.

The interesting thing is... at my current budget if I was to live by myself, I'd have a place about the size of my kitchen with a tiny tiny space for bathroom and obviously no kitchen for myself. So a place like this is really quite nice. *sigh... we're having a few accommodation issues as the cost of rent has skyrocketed in the last 2 months.

Also does anyone know how to turn the photos properly?


ms. jones said...

ooh... pictures need rotating. you might want to try rotating them before you load them... does that work?

Anonymous said...

I've seen the 75... quite a nice looking camera =)

yay, we finally get to see your new environs!

Liz said...

JOSH! Glad to hear you're still alive! :) hehe not that I didn't think you would...anyway hope alls well! :) And I'm still reading this! hehe

mei said...

Hi Josh, checked your blog to see how u r settling in...met ur parents last w/e...asked if they cried @ airport. Dad said "...not there but later." ;)
GOOD choice of much did it cost u in HK? In AUD$ pls...we got ours in Malaysia this year,same model. I like the video function too.
auntie mei

InteGR7 said...

Hmm I don't know if I got ripped... but it was (HK$) 1,980, which, at a 6.7 rate, is about $295 AU. I think it's a bit cheaper over there... not sure.

Oh yeah... the photos were already rotated... but maybe it was cause they were auto rotated in iPhoto... I don't like macs..

mei said...

definitely cheaper in HK... plus our AUD is strong at the moment

Anonymous said...

you said you're using a mac?

Ruby said...

evil. evil dan
he looks so evil :)

and seems like uve messed up their house (lol)
the last time ive been it was much cleaner =pp