Monday, November 26, 2007

Temporarily Unavailable

If you're wondering why I haven't been, and probably won't be typing much for the next few days...

Yes my right pinky has been bitten or something worse and it's a bit swollen... ok a lot swollen. My right arm too. However I've gotten a tutoring gig going!

Updates when I've recovered.


sarliche said...

double ouch!

well no wonder you're not typing.

how did you take that photo by the way?

Anonymous said...

wow... I'm impressed!

Received your postcard, btw! =) THANKS!!!! *HUGS*

ergh... I keep forgetting to stop by the bookshop to get those JB dvds for you!

Anonymous said...

yeh who took the photo? feeling rejected by the Hongkie insects? hehe... give them time!