Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I suppose..

Although I'm a few hours late... Merry Christmas Everyone! May God bless you all with an awesome time of rejoicing and fun/fellowship! Enjoy your New Years too! I've been having a blast over these last few days, and will soon report (when it's not so late) with pictures and good will to all men!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so I was a little scared about just how much I'd have to read... speaking of which, I think I told you I started reading your story? Didn't bring it to NZ with me (it was hidden somewhere under my desk), so it'll make it to QL =D

snitching this comment on your blog to say a HUGE HELLO to Andria and give her a massive HUG! *grin*

oh... so I'm done with dinner now, perhaps I should interrupt your movie again! =)

*HUG* You know... sometimes good friends just... happen. =)