Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sick log... day 1

Well, I'm feeling better today, no aches and pains, or feeling feverish, so that's good. Also went to buy a rice cooker and some rice, felt sick leaving the house, but once I got back, was ok. The main issue now is simply boredom... and waiting for my body to get back to normal. Hopefully I'll be alright by thursday. I think I might be able to go into work tomorrow.

But it's weird... I've been thinking about how it feels to live by myself, and I'd have to say, it's kinda scary and lonely to live completely on your own. For me, I suppose I'm out pretty much all the time, seeing people, doing work and all that... but being sick made me realize how alone I felt when A: I got up on monday morning and B: this morning, when I didn't want to leave the house... but had to anyway, cause no one else would. Maybe if I stay here longer, I'd try to get a roommate.

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